Senior Oceanographer, Principal


Jay Johnson has over 30 years professional experience in applied marine and aquatic sciences, environmental consulting and program management. He has extensive experience in dealing with complex scientific regulatory and environmental issues, effectively interacting with local, state, national and international agencies, developing and implementing cost effective due diligence, baseline and impact monitoring programs and assessing and alleviating environmental impacts. Jay has designed and managed environmental programs in support of oil and gas exploration activities in all of the US OCS regions as well as in the North Sea, the Middle East, Asia, Russia, and other regions of the Former Soviet Union. He has been involved in long-term marine monitoring programs involving nuclear power plants, thermal effluent discharges, and coastal discharges. He has recently been involved in providing the State of California with Independent Third-party Environmental Mitigation Monitoring support for a marine terminal decommissioning project and for coastal fiber optic cable landing projects (17 separate cables) located throughout the state, the development of a marine monitoring program for the Department of the Interior to assess long-term changes to seafloor ecology resulting from coastal sand mining, preparation of CEQA / NEPA EA’s and MND’s for coastal marine protection areas, coastal aquaculture, SF Delta marinas, commercial sand mining in SF Bay and Delta, marine terminal operations, and coastal and SF Bay desalination projects.


  • Boehm, P.D. Turton, A. Raval, D. Caudle, D. French, N. Rabalais, R. Spies, and J. Johnson. 2001. Deepwater Program: Literature Review, Environmental risks of Chemical Products Used in Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Oil and Gas Operations; Volume : Technical Report. OCS Study MMS 2001-011. U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA. 326 pp.
  • Johnson, J.A. 1984. The Use of a Manned Submersible in a Deep Water Hard Bottom Monitoring Program. Paper Presented at the American Academy of Underwater Sciences Symposium. November, 1984. La Jolla, CA.
  • Johnson, J.A., Hardin, D., Spies, R. 1985. An Investigation of the Effects of Discharged Drilling Fluids from Exploratory Drilling on Hard Bottom Communities in the Western Santa Barbara Channel. Symposium Proceedings, Oceans ’85, Marine Technology Society.
  • Nairn, R., Johnson, J.A., Hardin, D., and Michel, J. 2002. Development and Design of a Biological and Physical Monitoring Program for the Evaluation of Long-term Impacts to the Marine Environment from Offshore Sand Dredging Operations in the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf. Journal of Coastal Research. 20:1 pp 126-137.