Featured Documents: Aroon Melwani
Factors influencing methylmercury contamination of black bass from California reservoirs
Melwani, A.R., J. Negrey, W.A. Heim, K.H. Coale, M.D. Stephenson, and J.A. Davis. (2019). Environmental Pollution 251: 850-861.
Statistical Methods Development and Sampling Design Optimization to Support Trends Analysis for Loads of Polychlorinated Biphenyls from the Guadalupe River in San Jose, California, USA, Final Report
Melwani, A.R., Yee, D., McKee, L., Gilbreath, A., Trowbridge, P., and Davis, J.A. (2018). Applied Marine Sciences: Livermore, CA
Power Analysis and Optimization of the RMP Status and Trends Program
Melwani, AR, Greenfield, BK, Jahn, A, Oram, JJ, Sedlak, M, and Davis, JA, 2008. SFEI Contribution 555, San Francisco Estuary Institute, Oakland, CA
Benthic macrofaunal assemblages of the San Francisco Estuary and Delta, USA
Thompson, B., J.A. Ranasinghe, S. Lowe, A. Melwani, S.B. Weisberg (2012). Environ Monit Assess DOI 10.1007/s10661-012-2708-8
Mussel Watch Update: Long-term trends in selected contaminants from coastal California, 1977- 2010
Melwani, A.R., Gregorio, D., Jin, Y., Stephenson, M., Ichikawa, G., Siegel, E., Crane, D., Lauenstein, G. Davis, J.A. 2014. Marine Pollution Bulletin 81(2): 291-302.
Spatial trends and impairment assessment of mercury in fish from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta watershed.
Melwani, A.R., Bezalel, S.N., Hunt, J.A., Grenier, J.L., Davis, J.A. 2009. Environmental Pollution. 157: 3137-49.
A tiered assessment framework to evaluate human health risk of contaminated sediment
Greenfield, B.K., Melwani, A.R., Bay, S. 2014. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 11(3): 459-473.
Conceptual Foundations for Modeling Bioaccumulation in San Francisco Bay.
Melwani, A.R., Greenfield, B.K., Yee, D. and Davis, J.A. (2012). RMP Technical Report. Contribution No. 676. San Francisco Estuary Institute, Richmond, California.
Optimizing sampling methods for pollutant loads and trends in San Francisco Bay urban stormwater monitoring. A technical report for the Sources Pathways and Loading Workgroup of the Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality.
Melwani, A., Lent, M., Greenfield, B., and McKee, L., 2010. San Francisco Estuary Institute, Oakland, CA. Final Draft.
Estimated Sediment Contaminant Concentrations Associated with Biological Impacts at San Diego Bay Clean-up Sites
Thompson, B., Melwani, A.R., and Hunt, J.A. (2009). SWRCB Agreement No. 08-194-190, Contribution No. 584, Aquatic Science Center, Oakland, California.
Seasonal and annual trends in forage fish mercury concentrations
Greenfield, BK, Melwani, AR, Allen, RM, Slotton, DG, Ayers, SM, Harrold, KH, Ridolfi, K, Jahn, A, Grenier, JL, Sandheinrich, SB, 2013, San Francisco Bay, Science of the Total Environment 444: 591-601.