Featured Documents: Dane Hardin
Persistent Organic Pollutant Concentrations in Southern Sea Otters (Enhydra lutris nereis): Patterns With Respect To Environmental Risk Factors and Major Causes Of Mortality
Miller, M, Dodd, E, Ziccardi, M, Jessup, D, Crane, D, Dominik, C, Spies, R, Hardin, D, 2007, Final Report Submitted to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board
Determining the Potential Release of Contaminants into the Marine Environment from Pacific OCS Shell Mounds
Bemis, B. E., R.B. Spies, D.D. Hardin and J.A. Johnson. 2014. Prepared by Applied Marine Sciences, Inc. for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. Camarillo, CA. OCS Study BOEM 2013P208. 33 pages + Appxs.
Monitoring long-term effects of offshore oil and gas development along the southern California outer continental shelf and slope: Background environmental conditions in the Santa Maria Basin.
Hyland, J., D. Hardin, E. Crecelius, D. Drake, P. Montagna, and M. Steinhauer. 1990. Oil & Chemical Pollution, 6:195–240.
Evidence for a novel marine harmful algal bloom: cyanotoxin (microcystin) transfer from land to sea otters.
Miller, M.A., R.M. Kudela, A. Mekebri, D. Crane, S.C. Oates, M.T. Tinker, M. Staedler, W.A. Miller, S. Toy-Choutka, C. Dominik, D. Hardin, G. Langlois, M. Murray, K. Ward, D.A. Jessup. 2010. PLoS One, 2010 Sep 10;5(9).
A Biological and Physical Monitoring Program to Evaluate Long-term Impacts from San Dredging Operations in the United States Outer Continental Shelf.
Nairn, R., J.A. Johnson, D. Hardin, and J. Michel (2004). Journal of Coastal Research 20(1); 126-137.
Spatial Variation in Hard-Bottom Epifauna in the Santa Maria Basin, California: The Importance of Physical Factors.
Hardin, D.D., J. Toal, T. Parr, P. Wilde, and K. Dorsey (1994). Marine Environmental Research 37; 165-193
The slow recovery of San Francisco Bay from the legacy of organochlorine pesticides.
Connor, M.S., J.A. Davis, J. Leatherbarrow, B.K. Greenfield, A. Gunther, D. Hardin, T. Mumlet, J.J. Oram, and C. Werme (2006). Environmental Research 105(2007); 87-100.