Senior Marine Scientist, Principal


Dane Hardin’s studies have a strong quantitative emphasis that involves use of data from numerous available sources to help explain variations in water quality measurements. He designed and implemented the Central Coast Long-term Environmental Assessment Network (CCLEAN), which is a regional water quality monitoring program in Monterey Bay, California. He currently serves as the CCLEAN Program Advisor. He also recently directed a large regional monitoring program to address discharges of stormwater in Areas of Special Biological Significance along the central California coast. In addition to water quality, Dane has used photographic sampling techniques, both diver and ROV based, to describe biological communities inhabiting hard substrates, with the objective of determining spatial and temporal variations as affected by municipal and industrial waste discharges. He supervised early uses of periphyton and transplanted bivalves as indicators of waste discharge gradients. Dane has conducted projects in the Gulf of Mexico, Beaufort Sea on the North Slope of Alaska, Massachusetts, and the Caspian Sea. He has 25 peer-reviewed publications and is the author of numerous reports and white papers.


  • Bauer, J.E., P.A. Montagna, R.B. Spies, M.C. Prieto, and D. Hardin. 1988. Microbial biogeochemistry and heterotrophy in sediments of a marine hydrocarbon seep. Limnology and Oceanography, 33(6):1493–1513.
  • Brewer, G., J. Hyland, and D. Hardin. 1991. Effects of oil drilling on deep-water reefs offshore California. American Fisheries Society Symposium, 11:26–38.
  • Caimi, F.M., R.F. Tusting, and D. Hardin. 1987. Laser-aided quantitative sampling of the sea bed. Proceedings of Oceans ‘87, pp 1234–1238.
  • Coats, D., M. Savoie, and D. Hardin. 1991. Poleward flow on the Point Conception continental shelf and its relation to the distribution of oil-drilling particulates and biological impacts. EOS Transactions. American Geophysical Union, 72(44):254.
  • Connor, M.S, J.A. Davis, J. Leatherbarrow, B.K. Greenfield, A. Gunther, D. Hardin, T. Mumley, J.J. Oram, C. Werme. 2007. The slow recovery of San Francisco Bay from the legacy of organochlorine pesticides. Environmental Research 105:87-100.
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  • Daniels, M.E., J. Hogan, W.A. Smith, S.C. Oates, M.A. Miller, D. Hardin, K. Shapiro, M. Los Huertos, P.A. Conrad, C. Dominik, F.G.R. Watson. 2014. Estimating environmental conditions affecting protozoal pathogen removal in surface water wetland systems using a multi-scale, model-based approach. Science of the Total Environment. 493(2014):1036–1046.
  • Foster, M.S., C. Harrold, and D.D. Hardin. 1991. Point vs. photo quadrat estimates of the cover of sessile marine organisms. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 146:193–203.
  • Foster, M.S., E.W. Nigg, L.M. Kiguchi, D.D. Hardin, J.S. Pearse. 2003. Temporal variation and succession in an algal-dominated high intertidal assemblage. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 289 (2003) 15– 39.
  • Gunther, A.J., J.A. Davis, D.D. Hardin, J. Gold, D. Bell, J.R. Crick, G.M. Scelfo, J. Sericano, M. Stephenson. 1999. Long-term Bioaccumulation Monitoring with Transplanted Bivalves in the San Francisco Estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 38(3): 170-181.
  • Hardin, D.D. 1968. A comparative study of lethal temperatures in the limpets Acmaea scabra and Acmaea digitalis. The Veliger (Supplement) 11:83–88.
  • Hardin, D.D., D. Graves, and E. Imamura. 1992. Investigating seafloor disturbances with a small ROV. Marine Technology Society Journal, 26(4):40–45.
  • Hardin, D.D., J. Toal, T. Parr, P. Wilde, and K. Dorsey. 1994. Spatial variation in hard-bottom epifauna in the Santa Maria Basin: The importance of physical factors. Marine Environmental Research, 37(2):165–193.
  • Harrold, C. and D. Hardin. 1986. Prey Consumption on land by the California sea otter, Enhydra lutris. Marine Mammal Science, 2(4):309–313.
  • Hogan, J.N., M.E. Daniels, F.G. Watson, P.A. Conrad, S.C. Oates, M.A. Miller, D. Hardin, B.A. Byrne, C. Dominik, A. Melli, D.A. Jessup, W.A. Miller. 2012. Longitudinal Poisson regression to evaluate the epidemiology of Cryptosporidium, Gardia, and fecal indicator bacteria in coastal California wetlands. Applied Environmental Microbiology. 78(10):3606–3613.
  • Hogan, J.N., M.E. Daniels, F.G. Watson, S.C. Oates, M.A. Miller, P.A. Conrad, K. Shapiro, D. Hardin, C. Dominik, A. Melli, D.A. Jessup, W.A. Miller, 2013. Hydrologic and vegetative removal of Cryptosporidium parvum, Giardia lamblia, and Toxoplasma gondii surrogate mircrospheres in coastal wetlands. Applied Environmental Microbiology. 79(6):1859–1865.
  • Hyland, J., D. Hardin, E. Crecelius, D. Drake, P. Montagna, and M. Steinhauer. 1990. Monitoring long-term effects of offshore oil and gas development along the southern California outer continental shelf and slope: Background environmental conditions in the Santa Maria Basin. Oil & Chemical Pollution, 6:195–240.
  • Hyland, J., D. Hardin, S. Steinhauer, D. Coats, R. Green, and J. Neff. 1994. Environmental impact of offshore oil development on the outer continental shelf and slope off Pt. Arguello, CA. Marine Environmental Research, 37(2):194–229.
  • Miller, M.A., R.M. Kudela, A. Mekebri, D. Crane, S.C. Oates, M.T. Tinker, M. Staedler, W.A. Miller, S. Toy-Choutka, C. Dominik, D. Hardin, G. Langlois, M. Murray, K. Ward, D.A. Jessup. 2010. Evidence for a novel marine harmful algal bloom: cyanotoxin (microcystin) transfer from land to sea otters. PLoS One, 2010 Sep 10;5(9).
  • Montagna, P.A., J.E. Bauer, D. Hardin, and R.B. Spies. 1995. Meiofaunal and microbial trophic interactions in a natural submarine hydrocarbon seep. Vie et Milieu, 45(1): 17–25.
  • Montagna, P.A., J.E. Bauer, D. Hardin, and R.B. Spies. 1989. Vertical distribution of microbial and meiofaunal populations in sediments of a natural coastal hydrocarbon seep. Journal of Marine Research, 47:657–680.
  • Montagna, P.A., J.E. Bauer, J. Toal, D. Hardin, and R.B. Spies. 1987. Temporal variability and the relationship between benthic meiofaunal and microbial populations of a natural coastal petroleum seep. Journal of Marine Research, 45:761–789.
  • Montagna, P.A., J.E. Bauer, M.C. Prieto, D. Hardin, and R.B. Spies. 1986. Benthic metabolism in a natural coastal petroleum seep. Marine Ecology – Progress Series, 34:31–40.
  • Nairn, R., J.A. Johnson, D. Hardin, J. Michel. 2004. A biological and physical monitoring program to evaluate long-term impacts from sand dredging operations in the United States outer continental shelf. Journal of Coastal Research. 20(1):126-137.
  • Oates, S.C., M.A. Miller, B.A. Byrne, N. Chouicha, D. Hardin, D. Jessup, C. Dominik, A. Roug, A. Schriewer, S.S. Jang, W.A. Miller. 2012. Epidemiology and potential land-sea transfer of enteric bacteria from terrestrial to marine species in the Monterey Bay region of California. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 48(3):654–668.
  • Oates, S.C., M.A. Miller, D. Hardin, P.A. Conrad, A. Melli, D.A. Jessup, C. Dominik, A. Roug, M.T. Tinker, W.A. Miller. 2012. Prevalence, environmental loading, and molecular characterization of Cryptosporidium and Giardia isolates from domestinc and wild animals along the central California coast. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 78(24):8762–8772.
  • Palmer, M.A., P.A. Montagna, R.B. Spies, and D. Hardin. 1988. Meiofauna dispersal near natural petroleum seeps in the Santa Barbara Channel: A recolonization experiment. Oil & Chemical Pollution, 4:179–189.
  • Schriewer, A., W.A. Miller, B.A. Byrne, M.A. Miller, S. Oates, P.A. Conrad, D. Hardin, H.H. Yang, N. Chouicha, A. Melli, D. Jessup, C. Dominik, S. Weurtz. 2010. Presence of Bacteroidales as a predictor of pathogens in surface water of the central California coast. Applied Environmental Microbiology. 76(17):5802–5814.
  • Spies, R.B., J.E. Bauer, and D. Hardin. 1989. Stable isotope study of sedimentary carbon utilization by Capitella spp.: Effects of two carbon sources and geochemical conditions during their diagenesis. Marine Biology, 101:69–74
  • Spies, R., D. Hardin, and J. Toal. 1988. Organic enrichment or toxicity? A comparison of the effects of kelp and crude oil in sediments on the colonization and growth of benthic infauna. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 124:261–282.
  • Toimil, L., E. Ticken, D. Hardin, D. White. 1982. Mapping significant rock habitats using seismic reflection techniques, Beaufort Sea, Alaska. Geophysics 47(4).