AMS designs, conducts, and manages projects in marine, estuarine, and freshwater environments throughout California, nationally, and internationally.
AMS projects involve complex biological and chemical phenomena, including fate and effects of chemical contaminants, biological contamination, and ecological baseline and impact monitoring assessments. AMS provides scientific support and project management to government agencies, coastal utilities, the oil and gas industry, and environmental and engineering firms.
Ecological Assessments
Ecological assessments are essential for tracking ecosystem behavior, determining the magnitude of anthropogenic impacts and disturbances, assessing the performance of strategies for mitigating the effects of particular projects, and for documenting restoration efforts. AMS designs and implement studies across a wide variety of environments, utilizing the most effective assessment tools for each.
Water Quality Monitoring
AMS has been instrumental in the design, implementation, and management of several long-term water quality monitoring programs in the San Francisco Bay area and along the Central Coast of California. These programs assess the potential impacts of both non-point source discharges and point source discharges including wastewater.
Regulatory Compliance Monitoring
AMS performs accurate and effective environmental analyses based on a thorough understanding of applicable national and state regulations. Our Environmental Impact studies, Natural Resource Damage Assessment studies and related efforts have helped numerous clients achieve compliance. AMS has prepared numerous California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents.
Energy and Infrastructure
AMS has provided an important service in supporting large-scale energy and infrastructure projects planned and executed in and around the aquatic environment. We have worked for project developers, natural resource management, and regulatory agencies to ensure that project design and implementation are consistent with all relevant environmental regulations. Completed projects encompass a variety of industrial sectors,…
Environmental Program Management
AMS personnel work at the nexus of science and policy and have an extensive history of using science-based inquiry to support sound decision making in multi-stakeholder processes. Our management strategy utilizes a comprehensive understanding of local, state, federal, and international regulations, familiarity with relevant research, and careful consideration of current political realities in the system under…