Factors influencing methylmercury contamination of black bass from California reservoirs
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Effects of nitrogen source, concentration, and irradiance on growth rates of two diatoms endemic to northern San Francisco Bay
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Statistical Methods Development and Sampling Design Optimization to Support Trends Analysis for Loads of Polychlorinated Biphenyls from the Guadalupe River in San Jose, California, USA, Final Report
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Subtidal Habitats and Associated Macrobenthic and Fish Communities Observed Offshore Coastal California Along Fiber Optic Cable Routes
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Novel analyses of long-term data provide a scientific basis for chlorophyll-a thresholds in San Francisco Bay
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Seafloor Habitat & Biological Characterization Assessment of the SEA-US Fiber Optic Cable Route Offshore Hermosa Beach, California by Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)
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Benthic Survey Of The Vallejo Marine Terminal LLC Site Vallejo, California
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Intertidal Habitat and Marine Biota Survey of the Vallejo Marine Terminal Site, Vallejo, California
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Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Biological Characterization Survey of the Asia America Gateway (AAG) S-5 Project Fiber Optic Cable Route Offshore Morro Bay, California
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Intertidal Habitat and Marine Biota Survey of Treasure Island and the West Side of Yerba Buena Island, California
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Benthic Survey of Proposed Treasure Island, California Redevelopment Ferry Terminal Location
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Assessment and Evaluation of Fish and Invertebrate Entrainment Effects from Commercial Aggregate Sand Mining in San Francisco Estuary
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2011 Longfin Smelt Monitoring During Dredging By The USACE Hopper Dredge Essayons In The San Francisco Bay Area
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Benthic Survey of Commercial Aggregate Mining Leases in Central San Francisco Bay and Western Delta
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Monitoring and Mitigation to Address Fecal Pathogen Pollution along California Coast
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Central Coast Regional Monitoring Program – Water Quality in Areas of Special Biological Significance: Final Report 2013-2016
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Central Coast Long-term Environmental Assessment Network – Regional Monitoring Program: Annual Report 2015-16
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Persistent Organic Pollutant Concentrations in Southern Sea Otters (Enhydra lutris nereis): Patterns With Respect To Environmental Risk Factors and Major Causes Of Mortality
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Distribution and Trends of Select Marine Debris Items Collected During International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) Events, 2001-2010
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2000-01 Alameda County Watershed Sediment Sampling Program: Two-Year Summary and Analysis
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Municipal Maintenance and Sediment Management: Evaluation of Source Control Options for TMDL Implementation
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PCBs in Urban Watersheds—A Challenge for TMDL Implementation
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Investigation of Best Management Practices to Limit Loadings of Methyl Mercury Associated with Planned Dredging Activities in Sacramento and San Joaquin River Deep Water Ship Channels
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Sacramento River Deep Water Ship Channel Deepening Project: Methylmercury Production in Dredged Material Placement Areas II
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Methylmercury Best Management Practice Evaluation, 2011 Sacramento and Stockton Deep Water Shipping Channel Maintenance Dredging Project
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Power Analysis and Optimization of the RMP Status and Trends Program
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Determining the Potential Release of Contaminants into the Marine Environment from Pacific OCS Shell Mounds
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Niche of harmful alga Aureococcus anophagefferens revealed through ecogenomics
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Role of urea in microbe metabolism in aquatic systems: a biochemical and molecular review
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Photophysiology in two major Southern Ocean phytoplankton taxa: Photosynthesis of Phaeocystis antarctica (Prymnesiophyceae) and Fragilariopsis cylindrus (Bacillariophyceae) under simulated mixed layer irradiance
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Strategies and rates of photoacclimation in two major Southern Ocean phytoplankton taxa: Phaeocystis antarctica (Haptophyta) and Fragilariopsis cylindrus (Bacillariophyceae)
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Impact of atypical ammonium concentrations on phytoplankton abundance and composition in fresh versus estuarine waters
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Plankton community composition in relation to availability and uptake of oxidized and reduced nitrogen
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Variation in particulate C and N isotope composition following iron fertilization in two successive phytoplankton communities in the Southern Ocean
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Variation in Growth Rate, Carbon Assimilation, and Photosynthetic Efficiency in Response to Nitrogen Source and Concentration in Phytoplankton Isolated from Upper San Francisco Bay.
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Benthic macrofaunal assemblages of the San Francisco Estuary and Delta, USA
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Mussel Watch Update: Long-term trends in selected contaminants from coastal California, 1977- 2010
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Spatial trends and impairment assessment of mercury in fish from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta watershed.
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A tiered assessment framework to evaluate human health risk of contaminated sediment
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Conceptual Foundations for Modeling Bioaccumulation in San Francisco Bay.
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Optimizing sampling methods for pollutant loads and trends in San Francisco Bay urban stormwater monitoring. A technical report for the Sources Pathways and Loading Workgroup of the Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality.
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Estimated Sediment Contaminant Concentrations Associated with Biological Impacts at San Diego Bay Clean-up Sites
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Seasonal and annual trends in forage fish mercury concentrations
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